Book: The voice of silence: When science is the enemy.
The breast implant illness journey.
Author: Eduardo de Faria Castro Fleury
The book, "The voice of silence: when science is the enemy. The Breast Implant Illness Journey." is available for sale on amazon.com and kobo.com. In the book, I tell you about my participation in the history of this disease. I address all the victories and difficulties we had during our study. From the initial denial of our findings by the Academy, until the FDA disease validation. I present my relationship with the women silenced by science regarding their health problems related to silicone implants. I demonstrate that we cannot give up our battles, and our convictions. I approach the contradiction and its importance in the social formation.
On the website mddufle.online I provide some pictures and links that are present in each chapter of the book.
Reviewed in Brazil on September 29, 2020
Great book with a very serious and targeted approach on the topic, with very clear details and examples. Mandatory reading for those interested in the subject. I recommend.
Reviewed in Brazil on October 3, 2020
Eduardo uses technical and research rigor to present us with this book, which is both impeccable and indispensable. There is no one who will regret reading it